Members Of The Year

Browse featured members by first name by clicking on the letters below.
    • Title : President, CEO

      Company Name: Integritat, Corrosion Y Protection S.C.

      Industry : Oil and Energy

    • Location : Colima, Mexico

      Specialty : Non-Profit-Alternative Education for Children Ages 4-15 years old. Oil and Energy

    Biography :

    Lorenzo is the President of Integritat and CEO of , Corrosion Y Protection. He speaks at conferences two to three times a year. He has been published in Material Performance Magazine. He is fluent in English and Spanish.

    • Title : President

      Company Name: Mora Housing Management, Inc.

      Industry : Real Estate

    • Location : San Juan,Puerto Rico

      Specialty : Affordable Housing Industry; Purchasing New Property Getting New Clients, Handles all decision making.

    Biography :

    Maria is experienced in the Property Management industry, specialized in HUD Programs, Tax Credit LITCH of US and PR. She is a member of the National Lease Housing Association (NLHA), (SAHMA) South Eastern Housing Management Association, SAHMA Puerto Rico Chapter. I have many years of experience working with HUD. Mora Housing was awarded by HUD […]

    • Title : Photographer

      Company Name: GMA Future Trends

      Industry : Photography

    • Location : Sao Paulo,SP,Brazil

      Specialty : Intimacy of the Human Condition

    Biography :

    My work in photography, literature, and lectures calls us to reflect, in the here and now, on how we make our choices in order to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, regardless of our origins. In photography, I’ve been meticulously developing work that provokes us to think about our convictions and our choices. My work […]

    • Title : Socio Director

      Company Name: Ruiz Consultores, S.C.

      Industry : Law Practice

    • Location : Morelia,

      Specialty :

    Biography :
    • Title : Online Instructor

      Company Name: Nova Southeastern University

      Industry : Higher Education

    • Location : Loudon,

      Specialty : IT; Distance Education Virtual/Ad-hoc Education

    Biography :

    Dr. Susanne Flannelly has a total of 27 years of online and face-to-face experience in K-12 and adult education, emphasizing the use of technology in education.