VIP Members
Title : Director of Institucional Relationships
Company Name: Rodarte Nogueira
Industry : Financial Services
Location : Belo Horizonte,MG,Brazil
Specialty : Financial Impact of Risk & Uncertainty (Financial Management); Pension Funds; Private Companies
Biography :Having years of experience with regard to financials, Paulo harnessed these skills into an actuary business that services private pension funds relative to the financial impact of risk and uncertainty. His one on one interaction with clients garners their businesses and brings new business into the company. He also conducts an analytic look at the companies financials relative to the capacity of their pension fund to implement other services, maximizing the gains within the pension fund. Managing a team of 7, he has the capacity to orchestrate programs allowing them to meet or exceed the company’s projected goals with respect to the clients individual needs. They evaluate the probability of events while quantifying the contingent outcomes in order to minimize the impacts of financial losses associated with uncertain undesirable events. Paulo has shared his insights relative to the actuary industry as recently as 2013, during a conference sponsored by the Accounting Pension Fund Assistance Financial Education Organization of Brazil (ANCEP). He feels as though the networking opportunity will help him grow his business, expand his insights, and continue to learn from his piers. In his free time he enjoys watching futbol and reading his favorite newspaper, Ojloba, while and enjoying the company of his lovely wife, whose also the technical director of Rodarte Nogueira.